Sunday, November 4, 2018

Classroom Observation

We as teaching diploma students are acquired to observe a classroom on recurring basis and so i attended a session in baaloul to observe the ten arenas of classroom life, our main concern was to see the teacher's way of dealing with student's, understanding who she could call on and how to do so in order to establish how many have trouble with the lesson, we also observed how to help those in need of help, how to respond to them, and what to say to them when they improve, etc...
There was a lot to discuss in that aspect considering and we're learning as we go how much more we should improve.
You can learn in class all sort of ways to deal with students but unless you make sure you learn from an experience you never improve, these observation help highlight the points we all claim to understand, seeing normal human behavior in action make us realize that this knowledge isn’t one that can be obtained simply by reading books, it’s a plan that we ourselves set for how we wish to manage a classroom someday whether by force or through human communication. There is a lot to see in a classroom, the main key is: it’s not about content it’s about what students benefit from it, and until teachers not only understand that but also apply it, education will remain standing still. After all what we wish to seek as teachers is assist the new generation to accomplish their goals through knowledge.