EDUC 560

Image result for publisher logoApplication: Publisher

It's an application that's used for creating business cards.

Image result for google drive icon
Application: Google Drive

This application is really effective in saving data, it's basically a storage where important information can be saved without having to worry about losing them in time. That's one way to put it, on the other hand we also learned how to use google form which i'll be discussing on a different note and google docs, so technically it is indeed very essential to know how to use google drive.

Image result for google docs form icon

Application: Google Form

It's an application used i believe mainly for evaluation, it can be very helpful setting the numbers and statistics in doing studies and it saves a lot of time working on forms individually, it prove to be very effective in creating tests and is actually programmed to set aside quizzes.

Application: Google Docs
Image result for google docs icon

I find it to be very helpful for teachers who work in collaboration at schools, it helps teachers to sink their working effort together by commenting on the same document and adjusting questions for tests for example setting aside meeting for this sort of stuff can be very time consuming and this seem like a way to make it all faster easier and much more effective.
Image result for powerpoint logo
Application: Powerpoint
we mainly applied the use of this application for working on poster and considering, it was proved to be a very well good example for applying a proper paper form.

Image result for activinspire logo

Application: Activinspire
It's a program designed for teaching methods it's based mainly to make lessons easy to learn, it's basically made for entertainment and could be to a some extent educational depending on the type of the lesson, i found it personally to take the value of the books and papers and focus too much on the colors and decoration more then the concept.

Image result for webinars logo

Application: webinars
The number of sites a person can visit for webinars is unlimited and these are basically like attending an online conference our course focused mainly on attending those set for education and the main subject was teachers and students.

Image result for blog logoApplication: Blogs

It was essential this course for each of students to have blog, one that is set to discuss what we apply in our classes and cover it in our comments.

Image result for google slide logo

Application: Google slide

This site was used for presentation it's basically similar to power point it's an application used on the drive

Application: Rubistar
Image result for rubistar logoWebsite:

This site was used so teacher could create lessons rubric it's easy and fast to use.

Image result for padlet logoApplication: Padlet

This application can come in handy while writing small reflection on work.

Application: Pollev
Image result for pollev logoWebsite:

This application for quick evaluation it could be use as simple questionnaire and students can ultimately reply to.

Image result for google sites logoApplication: Google Sites

This site was site was used so we could upload a web quest online, it is considered very essential when preparing lessons or tests so all students could apply for, it was very convenient for setting up tests students, experience work procedures.

Image result for zoom logoApplication: Zoom

This application was used for online video chats it served a good purpose for a makeup session it's easy applicable.

Image result for quizlet logo

Application: Quizlet

It's an application that allows the user to create a quiz online where students can evaluate and assess their understanding considering the application allows them to see what they did wrong.

Image result for url shortener logoApplication: URL Shortener

It's an application used to make the site link shorter.

Image result for kahoot logo
Application: Kahoot

it's a website used for fast quizzes it's better applicable in class it's fast and entertaining.

Application: Mind Map

It's a site that could work for brainstorming ideas, it seems convenient and it works for deriving ideas students could use it to reflect on something or as a warm up activity.

1 comment:

  1. it was proven *** not proof correct it .
    thanks for reviewing us what we have taken
