Thursday, December 27, 2018

Debate discussion

A friend of mine had me pay attention to an event we did the day before vacation, we had a debate in class, in both sections we discussed different topics, they talked about whether education should rely on books more these days or tablets, while we in our section talked about corporal punishment, and while the odds of us supportive of that theory were pretty slim considering how much big the number was of those against it, we managed somehow to put up a fight and we stood up for our arguments and negated our enemy's, their argument was based on how corporal punishment is a form of violence and rudeness, students exposed to this sort of treatment are being physically assaulted and and have been suffering psychological problems, and all this adversary talk i believe they like to tell, we on the other hand the affirmative team had other things to say in return we chose to make it clear that corporal punishment first and foremost is not a act of assault, teachers are not exactly beating their students up, it's simply a form hitting the palm or something in which case students know that they're actions have consequences they're not exactly not monitored, on the other hand we tried to prove that the corporal punishment must be properly regulated, we don't simply want to go around sending the wrong message the other team decided to quote from the Quran and our prophet Mohamad trying to make an argument and while what they said was indeed worth taking under consideration it was not relevant and therefor we shut their argument down by using their own quoting against them,there was a lot to discuss at the time and while we did lose to argument i'd like to believe that we had a good point to prove, the whole thing was not being played out objectively however.


  1. It's an interesting debate, and actually I'm with this punishment but to a certain extent. students these days are not afraid of anything and anyone even their parents. Believe me hitting the palms wont cause psychological problems. I was the first in my class and I got hit 10 times on my palms because I forgot my homework, and here I am psychologically healthy!!!
    For your info, I heard that America is allowing this punishment.

  2. It was a good debate where we heard both opinions. Actually I am with punishment; punishment is not a kind of violence but it is about hitting the palm. I believe that we cannot apply american rules in Arabian students; they want to feel something of fear to do their duties.
